Community Vision Plan
What is Christian County Vision 2030?
Christian County Vision 2030 is both a process and a product. The process: engaging with people who live, work, learn and play here to better understand our community’s potential and opportunities. The product: a shared community vision and action plan for achieving identified community priorities. The ultimate goal: to develop a community plan by and for the people who call Christian County home today and those who will want to call this home in the years ahead.
Visioning Background
Christian County has engaged in visioning on two prior occasions: Hopkinsville-Christian County Vision Plan (2005-2015) and a more recent vision plan update (2015-2020). Many positive outcomes have been achieved through visioning. But we can do even better.
We want to engage as many people as possible, from every walk of life. We want to hear from all voices on any and every topic that matters to you. We want to build this new community plan together so that it reflects our community as a whole.
We also want to create a sustainable community partner network that can and will help us solve our most pressing challenges and take advantage of our most important assets. We want to know how YOU think the greater Hopkinsville-Christian County area should look, feel and function in the future.